r How to reduce your pool energy costs using AI - Lynxight


How to reduce your pool energy costs using AI

Using AI for energy optimization in a commercial pool environment based on Lynxight swimmer monitoring service


Over the past months we’ve conducted a series of meetings and consultations
with key pool technology and service companies and industry experts across
multiple geographies. Following these discussions, we’ve broken down the cost
reduction solution into multiple aspects:


  • The energy problem

Energy is one of the mail costs of operating public or commercial pool. Up to 40% of operating costs go into air conditioning, water heating, water treatment and other electric or gas-powered systems.

  • Static, manual control

While many if these systems are influenced by real-time facility occupancy, current mode of operation is static, i.e. manually controlled by human operators according to fixed schedules.

  • Dynamic control using AI

Usage of AI systems which provide real-time occupancy information could be used to control such systems automatically and dynamically, tuning operation in order to reduce operating costs without negatively affecting guest experience.


  • Air conditioning AI impact: MEDIUM

Besides temperature control, air conditioning and ventilation systems serve an important purpose of removing vapor, humidity and excess gas particles such as bound chlorine away from the pool area. Together with ambient temperature conditions, guest occupancy in and around the water effects the creation of such unwanted conditions and thus the amount of ventilation required.

  • Water heatingAI impact: LOW

Reduction of pump frequency and power in correlation with decreased occupancy has a negligible effect, as the heat capacity of the water is huge and the time period to change temperature by 1 C could be several minutes, which is longer than the rate of change of occupancy. Nonetheless, AI could be used to control water temperature in relation to activities in the pool. Sports activities and swimmer training usually warrant a lower temperature that leisure and play activities.

  • Water treatmentAI impact: HIGH

Both pumps and chemicals are sensitive to the actual occupancy in the water. The dirt, oil, and bacteria from human skin combined with sweat, saliva and urine all together contaminate the water, affect turbidity, and are cleaned away using a combination of methods. These include particle filters, electrolysis-based salt water sanitation, ultrasound, and strong chemicals such as chlorine. Especially for chlorinating systems, there is a severe effect of chlorine molecules being bound to human materials, and
thus loosing their effectiveness in destroying bacteria. Such treatment systems have closed-loop control mechanisms but which are very slow to respond to changes in occupancy, and could strongly benefit from real time occupancy data.

  • Ambient lightingAI impact: LOW

Although a reduction in possible, dark or dimly lit areas provide a negative effect on guests and would not be well received. People would avoid entering such areas and could have the impression that they are closed off. Further strengthening this decision is the fact that lighting in general is not a significant cost driven for most facilities.

  • Water activitiesAI impact: HIGH

While no people are in the effective area (e.g., slide entrance, fountain splash zone), operation could be reduced to a bare minimum until guests appear. This is especially relevant in off-peak hours when usage is scarce.

  • Facility maintenance AI impact: MEDIUM

While this issue is not directly related to energy consumption, cleaning and general maintenance are also a significant cost and are regarded by facility owners as a pain point. Switching from a fixed cleaning schedule to one driven by actual occupancy per area, both in and around the pools, would reduce cleaning hours and staff and provide a positive environmental impact by reduction of harmful cleaning materials.

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