When you’re running a pool, you are running a business. You want to ensure your resources are going to the right places. All business owners want to make sure they are saving money when possible and generating the most amount of revenue.
There is a lot more to take into consideration besides making sure your swimmers don’t drown. How many swimmers use your pool daily? Where do they spend most of their time and what do they typically do: swim, play, practice? What’s your staff-swimmer ratio during the daytime? And what about at night? The answers to all of these questions give a full picture of what’s going on in your pool; but why is this important?
This is where predictive analytics comes into play. First, you need to collect the data, and then you need to know what insights that data gives you. Though predictive analytics isn’t new in the market, its utilization is being proven to be more and more important. Companies are using the concept to forecast inventory, manage their resources, set prices, maximize occupancy, and increase revenue. Using predictive analytics has allowed businesses all over the world to function more efficiently and effectively. Like any other business, running a pool is about utilizing your resources to generate growth.
Using AI in the Pool and Recreation Business
At Lynxight we believe that having all the information helps pool managers get the bird’s eye view and allows them to make the smartest decisions for their pool – not just financially, but also in terms of safety. Not all days are equal at a swimming pool. The type of vigilance required from a lifeguard when a busload of kids is in the pool is vastly different from when there is a group of adults who have been swimming twice a week for years. By knowing that 70% of activity in your pool is happening in one area, you’re able to know where exactly your lifeguards should be making their rounds. Instead of wandering around the entire pool in circles, your lifeguard will know to spend the majority of her time in one area. Knowing the risk factor beforehand, through a comprehensive data dashboard and heat map, allows you to determine the number of lifeguards you need, who is more suited at what time, and what kind of protection is needed.
One important way to do this is through proper utilization. If you’re able to know in advance your pool’s capacity levels at any given time, you can make smarter decisions about your lane openings. Maybe, instead of 6 lines opened, 2 lanes would be enough for your current capacity rates. You might then choose to rent out a few lanes to a school, for example, allowing you not only to save money but to generate new revenue.
Lynxight’s AI software service, the only system on the market that uses standard CCTV cameras located above water, gives a clear view of what’s happening in the pool and connects to a dashboard that features predictive analytics. The dashboard is included in the system, giving you constant access to proper analyses to help make your pool’s safety, utilization, and efficiency as high-functioning as possible. The data exists; now it’s time to use it.