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The Trick to Balancing Pool ROI with Pool Business Management

Contemplating launching a pool business or run one already? Then pool ROI will certainly be top of mind. Some of the most important inputs to maximizing your pool operation’s ROI intersect closely with effective pool management techniques. Ensuring patron safety, maintaining energy efficiency, and keeping a close eye on costs are vital, all while making sure your bottom line is healthy. Let’s take a closer look at how to drive high pool ROI with other business, safety, and operational considerations. 

What is Pool ROI?

By definition, pool ROI, or return on investment, is the ratio between the profit something generates and its cost. In the case of a commercial pool, where the initial investment can run to $100,000 or more per pool depending on amenities, pool ROI has to be balanced against the fixed cost of building a pool but must also factor in the ongoing cost of operations as well. Pool operating expenses can be significant and include a wide range of financial outlays on pool safety (ranging from camera systems to lifeguards), energy (heating a pool is a significant drain on resources), maintenance (including both equipment and labor), and physical space (you need a rather large patch of real estate to house a pool, and leasing or buying such a space, especially in urban areas, can be expensive). This careful balancing act between the investment made in your pool operation versus the costs required to keep it running can be achieved through effective pool management. 

Pool manager

How Advanced Pool Management Boosts Pool ROI

Given the most basic equation of pool ROI (returns divided by costs), it stands to reason that techniques for reducing your pool’s operating costs would lead to higher pool ROI. Major advances in technology, including the rise of AI, have arrived poolside and can enhance a pool’s safety while reducing other significant costs, such as energy. A pool manager’s most important consideration is safety, and this usually means vigilant and well-trained lifeguards. However with the current global shortage in lifeguards, and the rising cost of employing them, pool safety systems such as the one produced by Lynxight can leverage existing cameras and make them “smarter”, providing lifeguards with real-time swimmer incident alerts and allowing a smaller team of lifeguards a wider view of the pool. Solutions such as Lynxight’s also harness untapped pool data to drive operational efficiencies and reduced costs, providing pool operator’s with a dashboard view that can inform on everything from scheduling of activities (to maximize revenue) to efficient energy management (to reduce high energy costs by data-driven decisions on energy use). In short, if pool managers can control their costs while maximizing revenue, the pool ROI picture will brighten.

Summing It Up

Pools can be very profitable, despite their high startup costs, if you can drive increased revenue by employing smart pool management approaches, supported by a rapidly expanding field of specialized technology, while keeping costs contained. And pool safety and management technology doesn’t need to break the bank. For instance, Lynxight offers a unique subscription-based solution that doesn’t require an investment in expensive hardware or take your pool offline for weeks due to complex installations. It’s not easy managing a pool but driving healthy pool ROI is possible with a combination of creativity, cost-consciousness, and an understanding of the data your pool generates supported by technology that helps you understand how to use it to increase pool ROI.

To learn more about Lynxight and its seamless blend of advanced pool safety with the ease and reliability of a service, click here

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